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The Richman Group Affordable Housing Corporation
The Richman Group Affordable Housing Corporation would like to recognize Jim Schmid and Chelsea Investment Corporation for their valuable work for individuals in need of low income housing. It does not seem a coincidence that two of Jim’s passions, affordable housing and sailing, share a likeness. You set out on a predetermined path to get from start to finish, but it takes constant refinement to stay on course. Projects such as the Toussaint Teen Center, which now provides transitional housing, education, food healthcare and counseling for previously homeless teenagers, are a testament to Chelsea’s ability to innovate and persist towards a final destination.
The Richman Group Affordable Housing Corporation is privileged to have a long partnership with Chelsea and we wish Jim and his team continued success.
Terry Gentry, Vice President, The Richman Group

Home is where we start…
Home is where [we] start from.’ It gives us sustenance and comfort, and teaches us our first lessons about who we are, and our place in the world. Affordable Housing Advocates honor and thank James J. Schmid and Chelsea Investment Corporation for developing Fairbanks Ridge, Mariposa, The Crossings and Windwood Village Apartments. These projects include extremely low income affordable housing as part of larger, inclusive communities in San Diego County.
With these developments, Jim and Chelsea help to teach the families lucky enough to call these apartments ‘Home,’ some of the first lessons of home: That you matter, that you are accepted, and that you belong.
Catherine A. Rodman, Director and Supervising Attorney at the 15th Anniversary Celebration of Justice, April 19, 2006 Honoring James J. Schmid and Chelsea Investment Corporation Quote from T. S. Eliot, 1940