Chelsea Investment Corporation was honored to accept the Supportive Housing award on behalf of Independence Point at the San Diego Housing Federation’s 2016 Ruby Awards on June 2nd. Independence Point was developed by a partnership between Chelsea Investment Corporation and Southern California Housing Collaborative, a nonprofit organization established to locate and secure affordable housing opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. The community consists of 32 affordable townhomes, 27 of which are for households with a developmentally disabled member.
Affordable housing for families with a developmentally disabled member.
This is the project’s second Ruby award; last year, while under construction, Independence Point received the Housing Hero award. The Supportive Housing award recognizes an outstanding supportive housing project, organization, or individual leader. Nominations are invited for housing developments completed in San Diego County that have a focus on supportive services to enable people to end their homelessness, especially special needs populations, including people with disabilities.
This award is a tremendous milestone for the Independence Point team, and it was even more special to have it presented by District 4 City Councilmember Myrtle Cole, who supported the project from the beginning.
This is but one of the awards that Chelsea Investment Corporation is profoundly grateful to have been honored with throughout the years.